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The Vitalant Bot

spam vitalant robocall
Phil Chu
Phil Chu
Making software since the 80s

Bots don’t take holidays, so on this July Fourth I got a robocall from Vitalant, which oddly was followed by a customer satisfaction survey. I was giving blood on a regular basis for a while, mostly at participating comic cons, but then there was some kind of reorg under the Vitalant brand and I started receiving calls to donate (from out of state), then a pause after I asked them to remove me from the list, then another batch offering Amazon gift cards (the worst kind of gift card if you dislike Amazon), and most recently an offer of a free cooler, reminiscent of the junk mail I get to sign up with the AARP.

It seems a worthy cause has been taken over by dot com marketing types, and not the most competent ones.